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Texpert is a sister concern of Sree Kaderi Ambal Mills, India a 60,000 spindle yarn spinning mill located in Sivagangai district, Tamil Nadu. Texpert has its registered office in Shanghai, China in the name of Texpert Indochina Limited and has manufacturing tie-up with high quality suppliers of a variety of Textile Spares & Accessories. We at Texpert are committed to giving high quality products at economical prices.Textile consumables amount to around 4% of the turnover for Spinning Mills and there would be significant cost saving for mills in by buying Spares at economical prices from Texpert. We strongly believe that Money Saved is Money Earned. All products are imported but we would not subject our valued customer to hassles of direct importation, we at Texpert would do the importation and offer customers the products at their doorstep along with local invoicing.Also we could make sure that the delivery of the products ordered with us would reach in reasonably quick time unlike normal direct importation that is time consuming.We are Hopeful that our brand TEXPERT - TIC range of products would deliver on the fronts of quality and cost saving.
  • Transacties
  • Reactietijd
  • Reactiesnelheid
Fabrikant, Handelsbedrijf, Inkoopkantoor
Land / regio
Tamil Nadu, India
Belangrijkste productenTotaal aantal werknemers
101 - 200 People
Totale jaarlijkse omzet
US$5 Million - US$10 Million
Belangrijkste markten

Product Capaciteit

Factory Informatie

10,000-30,000 square meters
Shanmuganathapuram -630 314 Near Karaikudi , Sivagangai District , Tamil Nadu , India
Aantal productielijnen
Productie op contractbasis
Design Service Offered
Jaarlijkse outputwaarde
US$5 Million - US$10 Million

R & D Capaciteit

Onderzoek & Ontwikkeling

Less than 5 People